My contract with you.

I'm laughing at you.

Just kidding!

Enjoy your lovely time around here.


So you think you have nothing to do
Some random shiz for you.

Music player
Enjoy your kufufu! Adding more songs as time passes

Tweet NoisySqualo & KHR chp 260
Saturday, October 3, 2009 @ 9:10 AM

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Reborn chapter 260
was a..drag? Dino got pwned, and Hibari stands up.
tch. I got kind of bored from the D18 pairing. >.>

Anyway. To tell you the truth I got bored of the funeral wreaths. GOSH
Miss the good old times of vs Varia and from the time they just flew into the future to the end of Melone Base.

Oh I just so hope that the next chapter will bring my passion back.

The only good thing about Reborn chapter 260 is
DINO USING HIS WHIP! Lovely. Better than his ponyta.